Is DowJones Focus Group a scam?
DowJones Focus Group offers Options Trading system through its Equinox Software. Profits from each Focus Group member are expected to vary depending on deposit amount and time spent trading. But you do not need any special knowledge in order to use Equinox. As long as you can browse the web or use Facebook, then you can easily trade with Equinox. The software can either tell you the trades to make or simply trade for you. It’s that easy!
Equinox, according to DowJones Focus Group, is the only trading software used by real investment bankers and traders on Wallstreet. And it has never gone below the marked 79% Win Rate.
You can join the DowJones Focus Group by merely entering your email on the homepage and you will be redirected to log into the Equinox software.
Depending on your country and bank, your funds/withdrawals will arrive anywhere from 5-10 Business Days. And their technology is easy for traders to use, because there are no annoying browser pop-ups or difficult algorithms to master. The software is free once you have signed up. And the Group offers Equinox software training and presentations for novice traders.
It is reliable because Dow Jones Focus Group system prevents you from entering trades when it is not ideal to enter, and it doesn’t focus on very short trades, like 60 second trades, that are difficult to trade successfully. The Equinox software focuses on medium term 30 minute trades that are much easier to win, meaning that you will be making more money.